Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles to various areas of the body (Acupressure based on the same energetic system uses finger pressure instead of needles). The needles stimulate and increase the blood flow allowing the body to heal more quickly, prevent illness and disease and treat current conditions.
Common disorders that are treated with Acupuncture include but are not limited to: Headaches, Back pain, Insomnia, Digestive disorders, Infertility, Fatigue Increased Metabolism, Weight loss.
Initial Assessment and Acupuncture Treatment
1.5 hours – $150 (no tax)
Acupuncture Follow Up
1 hour – $105 (no tax)
Placental Encapsulation Only – $250
(tax applicable)
**Please put placenta in the freezer directly after delivery
Nutrition or Herbal Consult
Nutritional advice from a blend of eastern and western philosophies on what the body needs. Learn more about the energetic qualities of your food.
TCM herbal therapy is like no other. The formulas are specifically made for each individual, based on their Chinese medical diagnosis. Our method uses whole herbs, not extractions of single chemicals in high doses; making it a safe alternative to drugs and store bought supplements.
Consultation and prescription
45min – $80 (no tax)
*Cost of herbs are not included in the session fee
**Herbs prescribed in granular format, most formulas cost approximately $25-35/100grams (two week supply).
Certified Foot Reflexology
Reflexology is a focused pressure technique directed at the feet. It is based on the premise that there are zones and reflexes on parts of the feet that correspond to and are relative to all parts, glands and organs of the entire body. Relaxation and stress removal, enhances circulation and normalizes metabolism. Good for diabetes, labour induction, Crohn’s Disease, IBS, diarrhea/constipation, headaches, physical accidents and chronic injuries, muscular-skeletal problems, mental emotional issues and general body pains.
Full Foot Reflexology Session
1 hour – $80 + HST
Movement Therapy
Movement therapy refers to a broad range of Eastern and Western
movement approaches used to promote physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Some forms of
movement therapy that combine deep-tissue manipulation and postural correction with movement
education are also known as bodywork therapies.
7:15pm – Hot Vinyasa -Yin – Meditation (90 min)
6pm – Hot Vinyasa Yoga
7:15pm – Vinyasa Yoga (Unheated)
Private Training – 1 on 1 Yoga or Pilates
1 hour – $75 (tax applicable)
Small Group Training – 3 to 6 people
1 hour – based on number of participants
*taxes applicable
Corporate Yoga / Chair Yoga
1-1.25 hours – $85 (tax applicable)
*Location can be any where in Guelph or Tri-cities
**Packages available for corporate, individual and small group training – Pricing available upon request